Thinking on motivation is moving...
We now need to engage our people for business success
Read our latest guest blog on how motivating people is changing. The old traditional methods of work harder and pay more no longer hold true in today's economy where employees are employed to think and problem solve.
Our guest blog on The Big Trophy Shop's own website outlines the case to rewarding people in different ways to recognise the individual and team skills that today's employees provide. The need to focus on the right behaviours (ie the how jobs are to be done) is now just as important as the task completion (ie the what jobs are to be done). We all know what it is like to be served by an employee who is disengaged, demotivated and deflated. In our blog we talk about the need to energise as well as equip our employees.
Reward and recognition goes way beyond paying employees - sure they need to be paid fairly but they also need to receive the reward and recognition for the more intrinsic motivations they are looking for.
The Big Trophy Shop are doing great business with those companies who are already switched on to this way of thinking. Talk to us at Beyond Theory business training & coaching to find out more how engaging your employees more can help your business grow.
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