Paul Beesley - senior consultant

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As senior consultant I train, co-train and facilitate on our leadership development and customer excellence courses. I also provide consultancy and coaching to businesses and individuals on employee engagement - how to get to most from themselves and their teams for sustainable business and personal success.
My background and experience
I have more than 20 years in HR and training, working across private, retail and public sectors and blue chip companies. I am a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) and a Steering Group Member for the Engage for Success movement. As a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) I am qualified in a range of psychometric profiling tools and a NLP Master Practitioner. I have successfully judged at the UK Customer Experience Awards and UK Employee Experience Awards.
My expertise
Everything we do at Beyond Theory is geared to enable people to give their very best. My background in operational management, training, recruitment and senior HR roles enables me to deliver business training that is commercially focused. As an active member of the Engage for Success movement I can help you understand what makes your people tick for the benefit of your business and your customers.
My greatest achievements so far
Having a varied and fulfilling career. I have been really lucky in working with some great organisations and people so far. However I believe that sometimes you can make your own luck, by following paths and working with people that may not be an obvious route to success. Creating Beyond Theory is a personal goal that I have always wanted to achieve. We are 10 years old now and look forward to more.
What makes me tick?
Seeing people grow and develop. Enabling people to achieve their potential is very rewarding for me. Giving people more options and providing them with greater confidence gives me a real buzz. I love learning new things too - and putting these things to good use.
Which companies and organisations do I admire most?
I spent 12 great years in HR at Nationwide Building Society. During my time there I worked on some amazing projects that had real tangible business benefits. I found Nationwide to be people and customer focused with a real sense of community. Further afield I do admire Apple's innovation and product design, and how they're helping us change the way we do things.
Why I feel investing in people is important
Providing quality training and development goes way beyond fulfilling compliance and other mandatory obligations. Skilling-up people increases their knowledge, confidence and feeling of wellbeing. Training offers different perspectives in a world where standing still means you go backwards. But most of all investing in people gives the key message that says ‘I believe in you and I believe you’re worth it’. Your employees will feel it. I think your customers will feel it too.
Something else about me
Although I am passionate about my career my number one job has always been to be the best parent I can be. Even though my son Alex is now working well away from his native Northamptonshire, I never stop caring and hoping that I am helping him succeed and make his own valuable contribution to the world.
(Paul appears on the top HR Most Influential Thinkers 2022 list - read here)