Our Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Policy

Our Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) policy is as follows:

  • Beyond Theory is committed to recruit and select occupationally qualified (associate) trainers and coaches to deliver the training and coaching programmes to the required standards.
  • Each (associate) trainer or coach will be briefed by the accountable person for Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) before they deliver each session to ensure learning aims and objectives are clear and that any changes in the design and/or delivery are properly communicated.
  • Each (associate) trainer or coach will be debriefed by the accountable person to validate that the training material and/or coaching session has been delivered to the required standard, This will include a review of the evaluation records.
  • The accountable person will undertake a random sample of course materials (i.e. 5%) and observe the (associate) trainers and /or coaches at least twice a year to oversee the risk of poor design and delivery against the required standards. These actions will be documented to provide an audit trail and will be available for inspection by the awarding body, the Institute of Leadership.
  • The accountable person will meet annually with any awarding body to review the quality assurance process. If required, the awarding body will be invited to audit the accountable person to monitor the quality of the accountable person’s own design and delivery.

This policy is subject to review by the awarding body on an annual basis.

Please contact us for further information.

Paul Beesley
Beyond Theory
March 2025

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