Institute of Leadership Appeals Policy

As an approved provider of the Institute of Leadership we have an appeals policy to deal with any disputes.

From time to time we acknowledge that there may be a difference of opinion in the results provided by Beyond Theory’s (associate) trainers and coaches. For example the opinion of the course delegate or the person being coached may differ from the (associate) trainer or coach who is delivering the training course and/or coaching intervention. The purpose of this policy is to set out the process that will be followed to resolve any such disputes:

  • If an appeal is received on an assessment provided by a (associate) trainer or coach then this will be passed to the accountable person for internal quality assurance.
  • The appeal will need to be made in writing (either by letter or email) within 10 working days of the assessment.
  • The appeal will be acknowledged by the accountable person with 3 working days.
  • The appeal will be investigated by the accountable person to the degree warranted by the complexity and circumstances involved.
  • The outcome will be judged taking into account the full facts and circumstances, applying the concept of reasonableness (i.e. on the balance of probabilities),the performance levels of the delegate or person being coached and ensuring that the decision complies with all processes of Beyond Theory and the awarding body.

Likely outcomes are to be: upholding the decisions, overruling the decision and asking for a further assessment.

The outcome of the appeal will be communicated with 28 working days of the acknowledgement (or as soon as the investigation requires).

The purpose of the appeal is to deliver the best possible outcome for all concerned i.e. the delegate or person being trained, the sponsor of the training and/or coaching in question, the awarding body and Beyond Theory.

This policy is subject to review by the awarding body on an annual basis.

Paul Beesley
Beyond Theory
March 2025

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