Our Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating
Beyond Theory prides itself on providing learning solutions that are meaningful to customers (i.e. course delegates and people being coached). Beyond Theory is also proud of its brand values in how business is conducted. Because of this plagiarism and cheating have no place in what we do and how we do it.
Dealing with plagiarism
At Beyond Theory we acknowledge and follow copyright law. We quote sources of the materials we use that complement our own. We comply with the wishes of our suppliers (e.g. training materials and psychometric tests). Any instances of plagiarism by our employees and associate trainers may be treated as misconduct.
At Beyond Theory we encourage our customers to follow our stance on plagiarism at all times.
Dealing with cheating
At Beyond Theory we deal in business in an ethical and fair way. We expect our customers to behave in the same manner. Cheating has no place in our work and any customers who fail to meet these standards will be advised that their training and/or coaching may be terminated as a consequence. If necessary, incidents of cheating will be reported to any relevant awarding body.
Paul Beesley
Beyond Theory
March 2025