Personality Profiling
Discover your strengths and blind spots with the Strength Deployment Inventory ® 2.0 (SDI ® 2.0) - training and coaching that is available online or in-person.

Learning with the SDI 2.0 gives you and your team insights into your strengths, overdone strengths and conflict style and how to improve relationships at work.
Contact us to discuss the benefits of using the SDI. Ask to see a demonstration of the SDI 2.0 platform which enables you to:
- Download your SDI results to discover your motivational value system.
- Receive a personalised online debrief ahead of your training.
- Compare your results (eg your motivations, conflict sequences, strengths and overdone strengths) with others in your team or organisation who have also undertaken the SDI.
- Create team profiles to identify strengths, overdone strengths and team culture.
- Undertake your own development activities to deepen your knowledge of SDI and how it can improve your effectiveness in building relationships - your Relationship Quotient (RQ).
SDI 2.0 is amazing. It takes embedding learning to a new level.
Learning about the SDI 2.0
Whether face-to-face or online using our interactive video conferencing, our 1:1 debriefs and training workshops will help you and your team build productive and sustainable relationships by identifying:
- Strengths and blindspots
- Overdone strengths
- Conflict management
Using the SDI continues to grow in popularity. No wonder. This personality tool is so easy to understand and use. But is has research and gravitas behind it too.
Whether it's leadership training, team building or customer service training that you need, please contact us to explore how using the SDI 2.0 will help you get the results that you are looking for.
Here's why SDI 2.0 works so well
The concept of focusing on our core strengths to build relationships has been available for a number of years. However, using SDI 2.0 now provides you with a fabulous opportunity to share and embed the learning across your organisation.
Building and sustaining relationships is vital in business. Using the SDI 2.0 will help you and your teams become more effective by understanding the core values and beliefs that drive their behaviour. The quality of our SDI training is enhanced by the fact that we only use authorised SDI® materials purchased from Core Strengths ®.
Understanding personality profiles will strengthen team work for everyone in your business. SDI will help trainers and facilitators understand individuals’ needs and wants in training and coaching situations. Customer service teams can excel when they learn how to match and borrow behaviours to increase their sales performance.
SDI 2.0 offers an online platform to enable managers and team members to:
- Share their SDI profiles online.
- Receive hints and tips on how to communicate effectively.
- Understand each others' conflict triggers so to avoid unnecessary conflict.
- Create profiles of teams and work groups to identify strengths , overdone strengths, blind spots and potential areas of conflict.
Background information
Here's Elias Porter, the founder of SDI, speaking back in the 1970s and telling us why relationship awareness is so important in our lives. Still as true today as it was then...
Your SDI 2.0 trainer
As a qualified SDI® practitioner, our senior consultant Paul Beesley has been helping leaders develop and teams grow for over 20 years.
Our expert training helps:
- People to understand their motivational values and belief systems and how these drive behaviour.
- People to understand the motivation and behavioural patterns of others and how these can differ from their own.
- People to identify their own conflict style and how this can be managed.
- Business leaders develop their interpersonal skills and leadership capabilities to influence others to achieve their goals.
- Customer service teams build rapport and relationships with customers to increase sales and develop business opportunities.
- Trainers and facilitators understand more about their own behaviours and group dynamics to increase their overall effectiveness.
Want to know more?
Why not discover your own SDI 2.0 profile? The rewards can be enormous.
Call us on +44 (0)1604 212505 or contact us to request a call back. We’d love to explore how SDI 2.0 profiling can help you to optimise your business performance and that of your team. Ask to see a demonstration of the Core Strengths Platform.
Everything we do at Beyond Theory is in accordance with the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development’s (CIPD) code of conduct.