Danielle King – Internal Quality Assurance

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Any ILM training that you undertake with us. In my Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) role I make sure Beyond Theory meets to standards of learning we’ve agreed with the ILM. IQA is all about providing the support and guidance that our trainers and course participants need, making sure we deliver the very best learning experience and outcomes for everyone involved.
My background and experience:
I have spent the last sixteen years working a variety of administrative and operational roles within fast paced businesses. I’m passionate about the customer experience, growing teams and learning. I understand the value that people really bring to a business and how learning enhances this, so ensuring that Beyond Theory are maintaining their high standards of learning is the perfect role for me.
My expertise:
I like to understand a business from the ground up and believe that this is key to personal success as well as that of the business. As part of my growth, I have continued to study professionally throughout my career including an ILM accredited Leadership & Management Course. Having been a learner and used what I learnt on the course I’m well placed to encourage learners to engage with their courses and really benefit from the whole experience.
My greatest achievements so far:
Working within a business that was experiencing tremendous growth enabled me to be part of something many people don’t get to experience. Part of this role was growing my own team, who through their many functions kept the day to day running of the business smooth, something I’d previously had sole responsibility for. There is no better feeling as a manager to know you can go on holiday and leave everything in safe hands and so I’d count this as one of my greatest achievements.
What makes me tick:
We spend a lot of hours at work, so I believe that it is important to enjoy what you do. I love to get up and go to work, knowing each day is different and that I’m making a difference. Whether it is assisting a colleague or helping a customer, looking at every situation and trying to understand how to improve it is key for me.
Why I feel investing in people is important:
People really are the backbone of any business. The saying goes that nothing happens without a sale, but to get that sale there are many people along the way. Investing in people can only be a good thing, not only do people benefit from the personal growth learning affords them but they are also more equipped within their roles to manage their workloads and different situations.
Something else about me:
Well, I love learning and keeping busy so alongside a new baby and job role I am also halfway through an English Language & Literature degree with the Open University. Study time is the perfect excuse to hideaway with a good book!