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Why does change fail in organisations?

For the past 3 months we have been delivering a series of masterclasses themed on emotionally intelligent leadership. Our last masterclass focused on Managing the Human Side of Change. During this session, we asked each of the 23 managers taking part to vote on what they feel are the top three reasons why organisational change fails.

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The Four Levels of Listening

Have you ever been in a meeting and felt you are not being listened to? Have you ever been coaching someone and been distracted? This blog article explores the four levels of listening as defined by academic and author Otto Sharmer.

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Top Tips for Difficult Conversations

Are you disappointed in a team members performance? Are you uncertain or even anxious about how to raise this with them? This blog article provides top tips on how to approach and undertake these difficult yet necessary conversations.

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Improving Relationships at Work and Beyond

Have you ever thought about what makes a relationship work or not work? This short blog article helps you understand how your perceptions of the past, the present and the future can alter the course of a relationship.

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